
Basket / Korg

Now I really need a new basket -to put all my yarn in..
Which one of these would you prefer? I can't stop think about the first one..it looks like a 'candy-store' to me!

INDISKA http://indiska.com/system/search/product.asp?id=4061&c=125&page=1&rnum=6

IKEA http://www.ikea.com/se/sv/catalog/products/70172470

ÅHLENS http://www.ahlens.se/heminredning/aktuellt_sortiment/forvaring/index.html

Saturday Shopping: Flower Hairpins

Some ideas for saturday shopping: crocheted Flower Hairpins in great colors -as a small gift to your best friend, or the little extra for yourself!

Etsy is the perfect place to shop: always open, package delivery in your postbox, and you're just a few 'clicks' away -Great!!

More shopping ideas on Zsazsazsu1963's blog

Mitt shopping-tips denna lördag är virkade Blom-hårspännen i läckra färger. Perfekta som en liten gåva till din vän, eller något litet extra åt dig själv! Shoppa handgjordt på Etsy, få levererat till dörren -kan det bli enklare!


Friday poll: Which Hair Clips? Vilka hårspännen?

I made a poll on kaboodle.com : Which of my handmade BobbyPins do you like the most?..Which colour is best: purple, pink or turquoise ?

Jag har gjort en liten 'omröstning' på kaboodle.com: Vilka av dessa virkade hårspännen blir dina favoriter? Så, vad tycker du: Lila, Rosa eller Turkos ?

Lovely weekend / Ha en fin helg


Triss in Treasury Tuesday

I really like to share some pretty tresuries from last week!
Join me in this 'game', and leave your entry to share some too on your blog -which is your favorite mosic for *Treasury Tuedaday* !!?
I love these Teal, Turquoise, Aquoa Blue !!


Green glass in the Greenhouse

I went on a little shopping to the marvellous Greenhouse of Ulriksdal. It's really the right place for getting the spring-feever among all pretty flowers, plats and pots. First pictures were taken just inside the front door, where I couldn't stop my happy feelings about this pretty green glass -all so simple but beautiful!!

Jag tog en liten shoppingtur till Ulriksdals trädgårdar. Det är verkligen rätta stället för att vårkänslor ska infinna sig! Där bland alla underbara blomster, plantor, krukor och arrangemang kan man lätt önska att man hade en släpkärra med sig..och en tjock plånbok. Första bilderna tog jag direkt innanför dörren, där jag inte kunde sluta glädjas åt detta fina gröna glas -i all sin enkelhet!


Saturday Shopping

Some ideas for saturday shopping: Covers to iPhone and other cellphotes -as a gift to those who owns a cellphone, and want to protect it from scratches in the bag or pocket..

Etsy is a fantastic place to shop: open almost every days of the year -24 hours/ day, package delivery in your postbox, and you're just a few 'clicks' away -Great!!

See more shopping ideas on Zsazsazsu1963's blog

Mitt shopping-tips denna lördag blir fodral till iPhone och andra mobiltelefoner. Dessa mobilfodral är speciellt anpassade till iPhone 4, som behöver extra mysigt o VARMT!! (de tål ju tydligen inte vårt kyliga klimat så bra..) Etsy är ett perfekt shoppingställe: öppet alla dagar året om, 24 timmar om dygnet. Du handlar o får dina varor direkt hem i brevlådan..och är aldig mer än ett par klick bort!!


Etsy Featured Artist: MariaPalito

Let me introduse to you: Maria Palito!
Maria is a very creative person, who has her pretty Etsy-Shop with most fantastic handmade eco-friendly Felt Toys. Her colorful items makes me happy!! Maria is also the great leader of the Treasure Lover Team on Etsy and is full of energy and fun new ideas!

Please visit MariaPalito at http://www.etsy.com/shop/mariapalito
Follow :

I was featured!!

Today I was featured in MariaPalitos blog! She made a very pretty introduction about my Etsy-shop, and featured some (big!) pictures of my handicraft. Thank you Maria, my new sweet friend! Check out the blogpost Here


Find me in the Etsy Newsletter!!

First my Hot pink Valentine Rose Necklace did it to the lovely treasury *Valentine's red finds* by Artefyk, Then it was featured on Etsy Newsletter!! I'm really happy and surprised!!
You can read the Newsletter Here


Blue moments

Really love these blue moments
When the sun plays in the trees
Making shadows at the white ground
Shadows and the landscape somehow gets blue!

De här 'Blå stunderna'
Så magiska
När solen leker mellan träden
Skuggor faller mot den vita marken
På ett ljuvligt sätt blir skuggor och omgivning blå!

I'll try to relax a bit, a few days now..take a small break from the gergeous pretty mosaics, and the fun 'Treasury-game' on Etsy. I will thank all my friends, those who feature me..soon it's 'pay-back-time' for me!!



Wow -I'm a winner of the LabRats Team Challenge !!

My Treasury -with all pretty, fresh special selected items of team members -is no 1 !

It's not difficult at all, making beautiful mosaics with items from this team: they're so talented and creative, and are so good at making really good photos!!

Thanks to you who shared, voted and 'cared' !!


Saturday Shopping

Now I have a new section in my Etsy-shop. Home Decor Garlands

The garlands are so fun to make, and I have many new ideas about color combinations to come..
Welcome to check them out!

See more shopping ideas on Zsazsazsu1963's blog


Friday poll: Which ring? Vilken ring?

I made a poll on kaboodle.com : Which of these rings wold you prefer for every-day use and coctail-parties? So, what do you think -Which one is your favorite: 1, 2 or no 3 ?

Jag har gjort en liten 'omröstning' på kaboodle.com: Vilken av dessa ringar blir din favorit? Så, vad tycker du: 1, 2 eller nummer 3 ?

Lovely weekend / Ha en fin helg


Ivory, Cream, WhiteDreams and SilverWhite!

My items was featured in these pretty treasuries..I guess Ivory, White, Cream is now (and always) a popular and 'never fading colour'..! Thanks!!


Winter with Åsa

It's a clear and cold day in january, but my friend Åsa is not freezing this winter! She's wearing a cozy striped cap and lovely mittens (Lovikkavantar- gloves in traditional Swedish style) in grey, purple and white, all handmade by her self -and so pretty !

Åsa and Sara enjoys the view!