
Pingstliljor / Narcissius

Nu är en underbar tid! Fortsatta promenader på Djurgården i Stockholm ger bara ännnu mer mersmak:
Manillaskolan ligger mitt i världen första Nationalstadspark -underbart omgiven av vacker natur! Här kan man också hitta några söta exemplar av krispiga pingstliljor.

Now is the very best time:
My walks at beautiful Djurgården, Stockholm will continues (cause I can't get enought..):
Manila School of Djurgården in the middle of the world's first National City Park -surrounded by the beautiful, great nature!
Here you can also find some cute, fresh Narcissius.

6 kommentarer:

Lúcia sa...

Hi Eva,
Great photos! I would like to be there and join it with you. Thanks for sharing these wonderful images with us.

Mitt hvite hus sa...

vakre bilder fra hovedstaden deres...og Narcissene er skjønne..

Ønsker deg en fin mandag....

Tammie Lee sa...

such a lovely time of year and your photos show this beautifully!

Ruths datter sa...

Å så vakkert.Så fine bilder.

Glamour-Och-Fläskpannkaka sa...

ja nu är det härligt att promenera!
Fina bilder!

Lúcia sa...

My dear friend, I'm so happy today! I received the gift you send to me! It's so lovely, and purple :)
Thanks a lot!
Send you my love,