
Saturday Shopping: Flower appliques

I really long for spring now, and decided to make some sets of pretty spring-flowers:
now listed in my Etsy-shop
Use them as appliques, to a hairclip, bag and as scrapbooking.
Have a great weekend!!

More shopping ideas on Zsazsazsu1963's blog

I'm also joining PetiteHermines Linky-Party#4 !!


Creative space: another flower to crochet

I just thought that 'a flower is a flower'..then I realized there are hundreds of ways to crochet a flower, and the number of tutorials of new pretty flowers to make never ends! I just have to try another one. And when I begin, I can't just stop! Really enjoy making this kind, in two colors!

Jag som tänkte att 'en virkad blommar är en virkad blomma' -That's it....Ja, ni vet -nu kan jag det här. Men så är inte fallet. Nu har jag hittat ännu ett mönster som måste testas. Dessa blommor i två färger är så roliga att vira -och går att kombinera i det oändliga. Säkert kan man fortsätta med ännu ett varv, och ännu en färg..

Visit kootoyoo for more creative spaces


Monday Moodboard

This is my Moodboard *FLOWERS* for this monday, featuring some talented artists of Etsy European Street Team :

1. Karuski

2. Dinafragola

3. Fleurfatale

4. Dindi

Visit FleurFatale for more nice moodboards!


I was featured!!

This week I was featured in hte Pure Handmade blog! My yellow flower crochet brooch was included in this pretty mosaic -and the other day it was sold from my Etsy-shop -I'm so greatful!! At the Pure Handmade Blog you find the latest in handmade and handicrafted, inspiration, gift-guides = beautiful stuff. Check out the blogpost Here

Click the Sunny Treasury Here

Check out my FlowerBrooch Here

Jag blev glatt överraskad när jag var med i en solgul mosaik på Pure Handmade blog! Min Blombrosch gjorde sig bra bland alla andra härligt gula sötsaker. På bloggen hittar man det senaste handgjort, mycket inspiration och presenttips.

Today I'm also joining PetiteHermines Linky-Party#3 !!


Creative space: Yarn

*African Violets* is the cute name of this plant -Thanks OnePerfectDay!!

I went to the shopping mall..just to look. I suddenly recognized that new little shop: full of the most delightful yarn and sewing supplies! I couldn't resist to buy..but I have no idea what I'll make of it. This yarn is so soft, made of alpacka, and in very pretty colours! Do you have some things you just can't resist to buy?

Jag åkte till city..bara för att titta. Så fick jag syn på en alldeles ny liten butik, full av allehanda bedårande sybehör och garn. Jag kunde bara inte motstå att köpa ett par nystan av ett underbart garn i lite olika färger. Garnet är i alpacka och otroligt mjukt. Jag har ingen aning om vad det ska bli..Har du något som du bara inte kan motstå att handla?

Visit kootoyoo for more creative spaces


Bohemian Rhapsody

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I'm just a poor boy (Poor boy)
I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go
Little high, little low
Any way the wind blows
Doesn't really matter to me, to me

So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye
So you think you can love me and leave me to die
Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby
Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here

Nothing really matters
Anyone can see
Nothing really matters
Nothing really matters to me

Any way the wind blows...

Lyrics:QUEEN Bohemian Rhapsody Lyrics


Monday Moodboard

This is my Moodboard *Valentines Day* for this monday, featuring some talented artists of Etsy European Street Team :

1. laimashop 2. roroism 3. OnePerfectDay

Visit FleurFatale for more nice selections!


Saturday Shopping: Angelic

I've been working on a new collection lately: Angelic

I wanted to make fun, modern, religious and a bit kitschy jewelry.

So far I've made some earrings and brooches - here in hot pink with Madonna and Child charms.

Jewelry in my shop , and more shopping ideas on Zsazsazsu1963's blog

Jag har på sistone jobbat med en ny kollektion smycken: jag ville göra något kul, modernt, lite kitschigt, men med religiösa förtecken..Här har jag blandat Cerise med madonna-berlocker i örhängen och broch.


Creative space: Wrapping

One part of my creating, and when having a shop to ship items and gifts over the seas..is beautifully and properly wrapping. New beautiful jewelry boxes made in the US that I ordered has now arrived, and I really like the silver ones! I have cards and tags that I designed by myself. I also have some pretty ribbons and colorful paper to make beautiful wrappings. This is really a fun part of 'creative space': to make that little extra in wrapping! And yes, now I'm ready for orders to come ;)!!

Visit kootoyoo for more creative spaces

En del i mitt skapande, och att ha en Etsy-shop är att paketera och leverera inom Sverige men även över Atlanten. Nya, läckra smyckesaskar tillverkade i USA har nu kommit, och jag är verkligen nöjd med de som är silverskimrande! Jag har kort och tags med egen design. Fina band och färgglada silkespapper behövs också för att göra snygga paketeringar. Den här biten av skapandet är verkligen rolig -att göra det lilla extra! Och ja, nu är jag redo för beställningar ;) !!


Treasury Tuesday

I really like to share some pretty tresuries from last week! This Triss is from the nonteamchallenge 17 on Etsy. All treasuries featuring the item 'Large Jewelry/Music Box
theelmsvintage ' Join me in this game, and leave your entry to share some treasuries too - add a link to your blogpost (NOT your blog please) Which is your favorite mosaic for *Treasury Tuesday* ?


Monday Moodboard

This is my Moodboard for this monday, featuring some talented artists of Etsy European Street Team : SIMPLICITY!

OnePerfectDay fleurfatale MilkAndHoneyHandbags Jealousydesign

Visit FleurFatale for more nice selections!


Saturday Shopping: Rings

Some ideas for saturday shopping: Romantic Rings in Vintage style -as a small gift to your very best friend at Valentine, or the little extra for yourself!
These adjustable coctail rings are perfect also to use every day.
Check out Etsy -for the the little extra, personal!!

Mitt shopping-tips denna lördag är coctaii ringar i romantisk Vintage stil. Perfekta som en Valentin- gåva till din bästa vän, eller något litet extra åt dig själv! Dessa reglerbara ringar är också perfekta till vardags. Kolla in Etsy för det lite mer personliga!

More shopping ideas on Zsazsazsu1963's blog -where you also find her very interesting lovely Button-rings!

ps : Saturdays you can also ''link your stuff'' at Annemarie's breiblog


Creative space: Measuring Tape / Måttband

Välkommen att kika in i min röriga men kreativa vrå! Måttbandet är verkligen en favorit jag inte kan vara utan.Det som är extra bra med detta måttband är att det är skalat både i cm och inch. Vad har du i din 'verkstad' du inte vill vara utan?

Welcome to have a look in my messy, but creative space!! This measuring tape is really a good help when creating, and I can't be without it! The special option in this tape is that it's both scaled in cm and inches. What in your creative space you don't be without?
Visit kootoyoo for more creative spaces


Triss in Treasury Tuesday

I really like to share some pretty tresuries from last week!
Join me in this 'game', and leave your entry to share some too on your blog (blogpost) -which is your favorite mosic for *Treasury Tuesday* !!?
This week I love shabby chic, romantic vintage and soft pure pink!